We've been here since early 2014 and we have receieved a few testimonials on our website, but as of late 2018 we have moved our review serction to Google and Facebook. If you would like to let us know your experience with Web For Actors we would love to hear from you.

Delores W. - Web For Actors client


I think the website is great for all entertainers.

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Actor Website Tips | Crop your images to the same size for best viewing experience

Resize all your actor headshots I mentioned this briefly while talking about optimization, but cropping images is not only about page load speeds, it's about aesthetics.If you have images of different sizes and proportions not only does it look...

Fun Facts | Websites for Actors

Build your actor website Build your #actor #website in 90 seconds.

Actor Casting Hints | Impress Casting Directors

How to get cast Usually when they say "do it again" it doesn't mean "do it differently".

Actor Dictionary | ON-CAMERA

What you should know Refers to anything on camera - tv, film, commercials, industrial film.

Where do you want to go next?

You may want to consider one of the following pages: